News “What does Cabella mean to you?” Shri Adi Guru Puja 2022 Recap

“What does Cabella mean to you?” Shri Adi Guru Puja 2022 Recap

“In Cabella it is so effortless to be at Shri Mataji’s Feet – it means everything.”

– Mario, UK

We had the wonderful opportunity to welcome our brothers and sisters around the globe for the Shri Adi Guru Puja in July 2022. The population of Cabella quadrupled over the weekend as yogis gathered in their largest numbers since the onset of covid. While warmth lingered under the blazing summer sun, the fresh breeze of many yogis relieved the spiritual thirst of bathing in the bliss of collectivity.

“Cabella means coming home to my family, Mother, brothers and sisters.”

– Siddhi, Germany

A recent storm in the valley had left tents in tatters near the Albera Facilities only a week before the puja. It was all hands on deck as the collectivity mobilised to clear debris, re-tarp tents, and ensure that all was in order before the arrival of the Sangha. As the weekend arrived, another storm shook the hangar and its surroundings. The source was, luckily, not the weather but the thundering performance of Nirmalights and their renditions of the qawwali ‘Rang’ at the Saturday Evening Program. Truly, every listener could palpably confirm the resounding chorus that ‘aaj ranga hai e maan!’ (Today there is a jubilant colour, O Mother!). This colour was, of course, the colour of Adi Shakti in the form of the Adi Guru robed in verdant green and saffron.


The presence of the Guru was felt the day before when the second Vertical Growth Seminar brought to our attention the importance of Nirmala Chitta. The seminar consisted of anecdotes, advice, and meditations from Sandeep, Sujata, and Nalgirkar. The ebook that was published alongside the seminar can be found here. If you wish dive back into the depths of this profound and subtle topic, you can rewatch the livestream.


With a heart full of gratitude we thank our Mother, Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi, for allowing us to offer this puja with our brothers and sisters to Her. We pray that the tattwa of the Guru be fully imbibed both within and without so that any and all doubt may be resolved by Her who transports us across the bhavasagara.

“Cabella is the centre where all the difficulties of different countries – their angularities as Shri Mataji would say – will smooth out and dissolve.”

–Thomas, Germany



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