Caring for Mother's Legacy, together
In many ways, is a very punya-giving thing is to donate or to be generous.
Actually I enjoy My generosity more than anything else, and this generosity must be enjoyed thoroughly, otherwise we are not doing the dharma of our Lakshmi Tattwa.
So to be generous, to be friendly, to use matter to give to others, is such a beautiful thing; and that gives such a beautiful personality to you – so much love, little little things you know sometimes.
Devi Puja, 17 December 1988
Foundation Projects
The Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation supports the following projects:
Palazzo Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Your donation will help sustain the World Foundation and contribute towards the Palazzo Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Restoration.
Cabella International Sahaja School
Your donation will help sustain the World Foundation and contribute towards Cabella International Sahaja School.
Albera Facilities
Your donation will help sustain the World Foundation and contribute towards the Albera Facilities.