News The World Foundation needs a full time gardener

The World Foundation needs a full time gardener

The brilliant white of Shri Mataji’s abode is a familiar sight as one crosses the curve to Cabella. It stands in both majesty and grandeur, spreading waves of vibrations across the land. Her beautiful garden is like a living garland that drapes around Her abode–one of untold scents and colours.

This garland of a garden encompasses thickets of flowers, orchards, and wide swathes of green grass where Her children find respite in the silence of meditation.

In order to support the maintenance of this integral part of the castle, the World Foundation is looking for a Sahaja Yogi with a good knowledge of gardening, and who would be available to dedicate themselves for an extended duration of time.

Coming to serve and live in the Holy Abode of Shri Mataji is a deep experience that allows us to imbibe all the values She has taught us, while also providing the opportunity to go deeper into our meditation through the services we offer at Her Lotus Feet.

If you feel the pure desire to come and offer your commitment – or have any questions to ask about the role – please write using the contact form below under the section Contact Us.