News Hotel Posta Photo Competition Reveal and Showreel

Hotel Posta Photo Competition Reveal and Showreel

Hotel Posta was re-opened after covid with the collective effort of yogis in Cabella. It served our community from puja to puja, providing a space to meet, greet and share the joy of reunion under the leafy green shade of overhanging vines. Our thanks goes out to all the dedicated members of the Posta team who made this dream a reality!

We would also like to congratulate the winner of our competition, Vera Pashinina, who provided a beautiful triptych of pictures from Posta. These three pictures beautifully capture the ambience, warmth, and the magical borderline between formality and informality (see newlyweds enjoying ice-cream in full dress). And for those who took the time to submit pictures for this competition – we thank you, too.