
The Shri Mataji Foundation new website

News The Shri Mataji Foundation new website
New Website by Shri Mataji Foundation

The Shri Mataji Foundation new website

We are happy to announce the launch of the new website of the Shri Mataji Foundation on the most auspicious occasion of the Sahasrara puja. With the heart full of joy, we humbly offer this website as a present to our Divine Mother and to the whole Sangha.
Many yogis and yoginis from different parts of the world have contributed to the creation of this new website that aims at presenting Shri Mataji and her precious legacy not only to the Sahaj collective but also to the general public.
Browsing through the pages, you will discover about Shri Mataji’s life, and you will know more about Sahaja Yoga meditation as well as the World Foundation and its mission. You will also get an overview on the many different projects supported by the Foundation and on the affiliated institutions that are cooperating with it.
Through the website you will be able to stay updated on the Sahaj events happening in Cabella and the rest of the World.