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Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects

The Foundation supports the Sponsored projects, proposed by affiliated institutions and in line with the institutional objectives of the Foundation:

  • Annapurna project
  • Culture of the Spirit Festival – TEV
  • Daglio Children Camp – Ananda Mela
  • Rose Garden

Annapurna project

The Annapurna project started a few years ago thanks to the efforts and desire of many Sahaja yoginis who volunteer to cook at the camp during pujas and collective gatherings. New sponsored kitchen facilities have been placed in the past few years and have been subject to a great load of work during the summer events serving thousands of people with delicious food at all the Pujas held in Cabella although there is still much work to be done as the numbers of participants grows.

Also, the renovation of two of the rooms above the Mulino kitchen has been completed and offers a comfortable place for the cooks and the kitchen volunteer staff.

Culture of the Spirit Festival – TEV

The Culture of the Spirit Festival is a two-day event celebrating union and harmony, through music, dance, art and craft from every corner of the world. It is a sensory itinerary toward the spiritual roots of all cultures; to know ourselves more deeply and awaken our inner potential.
A means of connecting with the essence that lies in the great wisdom of the peoples.

Daglio Children Camp

Daglio is the most secluded of all the properties.
Also known as “Ananda Mela”, the place where you gather in joy, this is truly a piece of paradise on Earth. Purchased by Shri Mataji in 1992, as a former goat farm, it has for many years been the centre for children camps, seminars, Pujas and even picnic with Shri Mataji Herself.
Renovation plans are beginning to take shape to transform Daglio into an all-year-round collective hub for use not only as a children camp, but as an international, permanent, sustainable and vibrational setting ready to accommodate mountain retreats, wellness and healing, the artists, the young and the old.

Rose Garden

A very talented and artistic Ukrainian Yogini drew up plans to beautify the front garden of Shri’s Mataji’s Holy Castle in Cabella Ligure. Her desire and design were enthusiastically approved. She inspired the involvement of the Ukrainian collective and along with the support of many other European collectives, the renewal of Shri’s Mataji’s front garden began in August of 2019. The work proceeded at full speed till the Navaratri festival of the same year.

The soil was tilled to prepare it for the seeds and for the young plants, and a water dripping and sprinkler system was installed. Many countries donated a variety of fragrant roses and specific flowers for planting. Volunteers from different countries joined in to help financially as well as physically.

Now, this delightful new rose garden surrounds an extended central green lawn for all yogis to sit in meditation while enjoying the fragrance, the colors, and the beauty of rose bushes.

Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji Foundation
Foundation projects

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If you wish to support Shri Mataji’s legacy in Cabella, please donate according to your means.

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