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Our Network

A number of affiliated institutions are cooperating with the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi World Foundation in order to support it to achieve its goals:

  • Network
  • Partners


Casa Madre

Casa Madre is a limited liability company with the characteristic of being a Third Sector Social Enterprise (ETS) – a company that does not pursue profit and whose statutory objectives are the welfare of the community in general.

Casa Madre works for the betterment of society and individuals and is committed to carrying out, within the law, activities based on the teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, promoted by the Foundation that bears her name, with the help of all those women and men, volunteers and employees who put them into practice.

Casa Madre deeply believes that the teachings of Shri Mataji, implemented in a practical way, can contribute to building a better society. The staff and the volunteers who participate in the realisation of the projects are motivated by an idealistic spirit, which also helps their personal growth. Honesty, transparency, sharing, spirit of sacrifice, trust in others, respect and kindness are the founding values of this Social Enterprise.

For more information visit the website:

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Association

The Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi World Foundation lends its Albera Camp facilities to the Italian Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Association for the purpose of organising national and international religious ceremonies such as pujas, havan and meditation seminars on these properties. These events take place mostly during the summer months and welcome thousands of guests from all over the world.

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Italia also owns 3% of the company shares in the Casa Madre Impresa Sociale.

For more information visit the website:


Nirmala Vidya

Nirmala Vidya is a company founded in 2011 to look after the day to day protection, preservation and distribution of Shri Mataji’s Intellectual Property.
The mission of Nirmala Vidya is:

    • to ensure that the Intellectual Property is preserved, maintained and defended for all time
    • to ensure that the Work of Shri Mataji is preserved, reproduced and distributed broadly throughout the world
    • to defend, develop and utilize trademarks to ensure that the original teachings of Shri Mataji are propagated throughout the world in perpetuity

The owner of Nirmala Vidya llc is NIPC (Nirmala Vidya Intellectual Property Corporation), a not-for-profit organization in the USA, formed with the blessings of Shri Mataji herself in 2005.

On September 16, 2005 Shri Mataji in fact officially transferred ownership of all Her work to the trusteeship of the “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Foundation” (SMNDSYF), which was then renamed as the “Nirmal Intellectual Property Corporation” (NIPC) on the 26th of August 2006.

For more information visit the website:

Nirmal Sevak

An association has been set up to help those from around the world who would like to freely offer their services as volunteers to aid in the activities of the World Foundation in Cabella and surroundings.

Nirmal Sevak, Associazione di volontariato, is based in Italy and covers the legal requirements for volunteering, insurance coverage, and training for health and safety protocols.

The act of volunteering has no monetary compensation for time and effort, however it has its own rewards both spiritually and vibrationally, which are invaluable. The association lists a wide variety of ways to channel the energies of the volunteers tailored to their own different skills or aptitudes.

For more information visit the website:

Bellavista Farm

The “Bellavista Agri Camping Farm” is a farming project initiated by the World Foundation in 2018. By utilising its properties in the Albera area, the World Foundation aims:

  • to experiment with Sahaja Krishi (Sahaja Agriculture using Shri Mataji’s advice) on this agricultural farm established on land bought in 2008
  • thus providing the children at the Cabella School with biologically cultivated and vibrated farm products
  • to follow Shri Mataji’s advice to “send the yogis to camp” by setting up camping tents among the trees and plants of the farm

The agricultural methods of the Bellavista Farm are the result of a collaboration of the international Sahaja group “The Living Valley”. Their aim is to share experiences of agricultural methods but their main task is to practice farming following Shri Mataji’s advice. Vibrating the seeds and water and giving vibrations to the field and then combining this with best natural agricultural practices.

For more information visit the website:

Theatre of Eternal Values

“It was my dream, as a student, to have my own theatre company one day.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, January 1997, Mumbai.

Shri Mataji fostered the arts not only as a patron, but also as a playwright and director in Her student days. She herself wrote a play “Rat pagal ho gai” (The Night has gone crazy) and dreamed of having Her own theatre company. In 1995 in Cabella, She encouraged a group of talented artists to form a professional company called Theatre of Eternal Values (TEV) and graciously took a personal interest in every department, from casting, costumes and set building to music and tour management. Since then, TEV has performed in festivals, theatres, open spaces, schools and companies across Europe, Asia and America. Many of its productions are written in-house and accompanied by live music. The cross-cultural synergy between actors, musicians, dancers, visual artists and writers naturally led to the formation of an international academy and a festival: the Nirmal Arts Academy and the Culture of the Spirit Festival, both hosted at the Sahaja Yoga World Centre in Cabella. TEV also collaborates with the Cabella International Sahaja School, providing drama classes and productions for the pupils, staff and volunteers. Theatre is an all embracing art form representing the unfolding drama of life. We dedicate our artistic work to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as a token of gratitude for Her living legacy to humankind.

For more information visit the website:

Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji Foundation
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Foundation projects

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