The Complete Works of Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation proudly announces that, for the first time in history, all of Shri Mataji’s spoken words will be available in a limited collection of 41 books in English.
Over the last 2 years, a group of established Sahaja Yogis has been working on verifying and consolidating all the existing spoken words of Shri Mataji from These 41 books are also the outcome of years of hard work of many yogis who have helped in the process of transcribing, translating and verifying all of Shri Mataji’s puja talks, evening programs, public programmes and events, private conversations and press interviews.
The publication of these books marks a historic moment for Sahaja Yogis worldwide as it is the first time that all the talks of the Adi Shakti have been printed together. This special edition is limited to 300 copies, with no plans for future reprints.
The World Foundation, Nirmala Vidya/Amruta and NIPC (the holder of the copyright of Shri Mataji’s words) have fully endorsed the publishing of Shri Mataji’s spoken words in this incredible collection of books.

Background of the project
On several occasions, Shri Mataji indicated that Her spoken words should not only be kept and stored in digital formats but that Her spoken word should also be preserved by printing Her talks on paper.
In 2023, Shri Mataji’s centennial birth year, Sahaja Yogis from the World Foundation, and in close cooperation with NIPC and Nirmala Vidya joined hands and launched an exciting project:
to fulfill Mothers’ request to make the transcriptions of all of Her talks available in books!
This project is the outcome of the dedication of hundreds of Sahaja Yogis over the course of more than fifty years! Our brothers and sisters from all over the world have directly and indirectly contributed to this project by recording, digitizing, transcribing, translating and verifying Shri Mataji’s talks over the years.
This has now resulted in a first edition of 41 books containing all of Shri Mataji’s talks in English.
Order information
Sahaja Yogis worldwide can now finally order the limited complete series of 41 books. These books are bound in beautiful eco-leather covers with golden printed letters.
The ordering process and payments for the books will be handled by Casa Madre, the operational unit of the World Foundation.

The verification of Shri Mataji's talks
These books have been meticulously crafted with the highest level of accuracy, thanks to the dedicated efforts of many Sahaja Yogis around the world. With the goal of preserving Mother’s words for future generations, the Book Team has ensured that the accuracy of the contents is of the highest level that is currently possible.
Shri Mataji indicated that when Her words are transcribed, we may apply minor editorial changes in order to make the text appear more readable. However, in this original version, the editors are keeping as faithful as possible to the actual words Shri Mataji said.
Although the utmost care has been taken to ensure that the contents of these 41 books accurately reflect Shri Mataji’s exact words, further detailed verification of each talk will take place over the years to come.