News New website to celebrate Shri Mataji’s 100th birthday

New website to celebrate Shri Mataji’s 100th birthday

Over the Sahasrara Puja weekend, the following Birthday Website was launched:

Please post on the website Initiatives that are going on in your country to spread Sahaja Yoga, so collectively we can offer the 100 million en-masse realisations at our Divine Mother’s Holy Lotus Feet, for Her 100th Birthday. On the website, you will see the amazing initiatives that are currently taking place.

Please also post the Country Events (spreading SY and celebration events) that you are planning.

Also please share your thoughts and ideas under Sahaj Communities on the Website.

An ebook on Meditation has also been published. You can also find this eBook link on the website. In the next couple of months, 3 other eBooks will be released. Hope you enjoy this one which is titled Nirmal Dhyana (Meditation):

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