Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji newsletter August 2023

Now put your feelings on that chakra which is the “pradesha”; it is the country, and the King is Shri Ganesha. When you put your attention onto that chakra, put your feelings towards Him, feelings of love and adoration to Him – to begin with. And then to manifest compassion, you have to ask nothing but one thing: “Oh, God of Innocence, give innocence to all the people of the world”. But first, you have to be innocent to ask that, otherwise, it is unauthorised asking, or you can say – you have no right to ask. Maha Sahasrara Puja (1984-05-05)

Below you can find more information on:


  1. Shri Ganesha Puja Invitation

  2. Puja Pre-Registration

  3. World Festival

  4. Culture of the Spirit 2023 Performances

  5. Nirmal Arts Academy Recap


Shri Ganesha Puja 2023

With our joyful heart the hosting countries of Albania, Andorra, Australia, China, Croatia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macedonia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, invite you to join us in Cabella in September. On this occasion, we will humbly request Our Divine Mother, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to allow us the immense privilege to perform Puja to Her in Her Divine Nirakara form of Lord Shri Ganesha, together. For more information on the program, transportation, and other details, please visit our website.

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Shri Ganesha Puja 2023 Puja Registration

September will include not only the Shri Ganesha Puja and weddings, but also the World Festival. In parallel, there will also be three city programmes organised by Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Italy around the north of the country. To ensure your smooth and obstacle-free stay with us, please read and carefully fill out the puja pre-registration form.



World Festival 2023

The World Festival takes place every year during the week running up to Shri Ganesha Puja. Each year the festival takes a different shape, depending on the initiative of the collective and the talent available. Moreover, the festival is not in the remit of any one hosting country, but is an opportunity for any yogi to help out as they best see fit. Get in contact with us below and let us know if you can support the World Festival!



Culture of the Spirit Festival_performances

The high-point of this year's Culture of the Spirit Festival was the musical spectacular, "The Divine Mother", that brought together a fusion of East and West to offer our packed hangar of yogis and non-yogis alike an unforgettable experience. Yet, the Divine Mother was one of the many performances during the weekend that saw a colourful display of art, which came directly from the heart – expressing the delight of the Spirit in reflecting its divine light through the moods of music or the movement of dance. Our playlist below collects together performances from across the weekend.

See Playlist


Nirmal Art Academy 2023 Recap

Immediately following the international Guru Puja, teachers from over 34 countries brought their mastery, proficiency and knowledge to bear upon the Nirmalarts Academy. Every evening heralded yet another enthralling performance, be it music, dance, theatre, or music dance theatre. Our highlight video draws on this deep well of experience to offer you an insightful look behind the scenes.

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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation
Via Martiri della Libertà 11, 15060 Cabella Ligure (AL) Italy