Shri Mataji Foundation
Shri Mataji newsletter April 2023

The Guru is great. The Guru is beyond description. But just like the boundless sea, He arrives wave after wave to save the seeker, who grows ever meeker in the presence of that which is untamable, but not unattainable – for He is the Master, and we are the mirror. Every so often a large wave washes ashore, but in the rare occurrence when the movement of Mother Earth joins with that of the ocean, a wave becomes truly tremendous. How fortunate we are to have a Mother for a Guru, whose infinite wave of love has uprooted us from the mire of maya, lifting us ever higher, and empowering us to raise others to the same heights with the power, gravity, and authority of the almighty Guru. Jai Shri Mataji!


Below you can find more information on:


  1. Guru Puja

  2. Nirmal Arts Academy

  3. Culture of the Spirit Festival

  4. Open Day at the Castle

  5. 360º Virtual Tour

  6. Hotel Posta

  7. CYSA


Guru Puja 2023

Ever since our Guru, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, chose to maintain an abode in Italy in 1991, the valley of Borbera was blessed by the offering of the annual international Guru Puja. 

It is in many respects that the Guru Puja holds much weight, for it was during one in 1979 that She declared Her Advent as the Adi Shakti, and four decades after in Her final declaration that: “I give you all my blessings and all my support that now you take over and become gurus.” Once again, the moment beckons us to remind ourselves of Her vision, and fulfil that mission, which we have been chosen to bring to fruition – for, as is known, blossom time leads to the ripening of fruit.

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Nirmal Arts Academy 2023

We are overjoyed to invite you to the Nirmal Arts Academy in the heavenly surroundings of Cabella from 04 – 13 JULY 2023.  The summer academy is a beautiful opportunity to explore and expand one's creativity and enjoy the company of brothers and sisters from all over the world in the heavenly surroundings of Cabella. You can attend any of the 40 courses taught by professional Sahaj artists, in music, dance, movement, theatre, visual arts, music therapy and so much more.

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Culture of the Spirit Festival 2023

Theatre of Eternal Values invites you to attend the 15th edition of the Culture of the Spirit Festival, dedicated to The Divine Mother, at the Sahaja Yoga World Centre, Albera Ligure. The high-point of this year's festival is the musical spectacular, "The Divine Mother", dedicated to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations of her birth. On stage, the energy of motherly love takes form, in words, music, movement and images; the collective expression of artists from many parts of the world. The performance tells of key moments in Shri Mataji's life, from the struggle for the liberation of a nation, to the breakthrough event on the 5th May 1970, that paved the way for the emancipation of humanity.

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Open Day at the Castle 2023

We hosted an Open Day for all, inviting people from in and around Val Borbera to take part in a guided tour of the castle. Throughout the day, familiar faces from the towns of Cabella, Albera, Cantalupo and many other visitors admired the splashes of colour in the blossoming rose garden made by our Ukrainian collective, awed at the vivid frescoes delightfully rendered by our brothers and sisters from Austria and around Europe, and meditated under the guidance of Italian yogis.

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360° Virtual tour 2023

We understand that many members of our sangha are not able to have such a unique opportunity as above to visit the castle. To make the beauty of Our Mother’s abode available to all Her children, we have put together a virtual tour with the help of Michael Markl from the Austrian collective. Please visit the tour using the button below, and appreciate the intricate details with which the interior of the castle was designed and decorated with the dedication of Sahaja yogis from around the world.

Open 360° Tour


Hotel Posta opens

Casa Madre is pleased to announce that Hotel Posta is opening for the Summer on the 1st of June with a new formula: guests will have the chance to rent a room for the whole puja season (June-October); a small number of rooms will be kept for short-term rentals. We look forward to welcoming you to Cabella! For more info and bookings please write to:


CYSA Update

Unfortunately, the opening of the Ciminiera Yuva Shakti Ashram project in September 2023 has been postponed as we have not received sufficient applications to make it sustainable. However, as we sincerely believe in the importance and potential of this project, we aim to develop it and re-propose it in September 2024. So if you are interested in sending your child for the next academic year (2024/2025) or you would like more information, please contact us by 1st December at:

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We are always more than happy to receive your suggestions.

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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation
Via Martiri della Libertà 11, 15060 Cabella Ligure (AL) Italy